Empower Package: The Aspiring Entrepreneur

For the budding entrepreneur, you'll receive tailed guidance and a comprehensive toolkit designed to bolster your vision clarity and fortify your self-empowerment.

💥 There’s something special about you and you have a burning passion to bring that inner spark to light. You have this big vision but the thought of actually starting is keeping you paralyzed and stuck (I’ve been there… too many times. Sometimes it’s easier to do nothing at all than to actually do something.) You need to know that what you’re going to create will work. So, naturally, you need a roadmap. But not just any roadmap, a roadmap that will actually lead you to success and fulfillment (we’ll figure out what that means for you). Most people have amazing, creative ideas but they never see the light of day because they don’t know how to execute and get past the walls they’ve put up for themselves.

🖤 You’re slowly withering away at your 9-5 job. Unfulfilled, unhappy, anxious and dreaming of a life filled with freedom, purpose, and lots of money. You can visualize it, but turning your dreams into a reality seems impossible. So how do you get from where you are to where you want to be? You take the 1st step (which is arguably the hardest part in any entrepreneurial journey).

🦋 I’m here to tell you that everything that you’re feeling that’s keeping you from getting started is normal, but that’s not an excuse. You’re worth it, your future business(es) are worth it, and people NEED what you’re here to offer them. I don’t care if you don’t believe me. It’s the truth. You’re here to show others what’s possible, and you can’t do that if you never start…They also can’t buy from you if you never give them something to buy.


Testimonial from Tiffany Wofford, founder of Golde after our time together:

“Scary accurate. Everything was spot on. I wish I had done this at age 18. It tells you this is what you are, it’s okay that this is who you are, and you don’t need to feel bad about this, or guilty, or like you need to change yourself. This is exactly who you’re meant to be and the more that you embrace that, the more you can find your alignment within the work that you’re meant to be doing in the world.”


🤩 What you get in this package:

  • 1 hr Human Design Chart reading with me where we breakdown your skills, gifts, and how to leverage your energy

    Ultra-Personalized And Built As A Perfect Fit For YOU.

    Human Design takes out all of the guesswork that every coach needs (it’s like looking into your brain before I even meet you)

    The beauty of the science of Human Design is its ability to assess your current situation with unmatched accuracy, and then help you break through your barriers.

    Instead of contorting you to fit a success template that works for some other leader or guru, we pinpoint the exact strengths, weaknesses, and areas of growth that apply to you.

    Everyone has different blockages and doors to open based on their upbringings and mindsets. There is a unique science to your individuality, and Human Design allows me to efficiently and effectively guide you to build the “you” that you know is in there waiting to be unleashed.

    You can read more about what the session entails HERE

  • 1.5 hour strategy session delving deeper into your Human Design Chart. Together, we'll dissect the key elements and outline the precise steps required for you to manifest your unique magic.

  • You’ll also receive set of resources that includes tools to help you clarify your vision and maintain self-empowerment