Empower Package: The Health Enthusiast

For those aspiring to adopt a healthy lifestyle but are clueless about where to start and how to maintain it, receive personalized guidance on how nurturing your body sets the foundation for a life filled with self-love.

๐Ÿ˜Œ Imagine the feeling of gazing at yourself in the mirror and genuinely loving the reflection that meets you.

๐Ÿ˜Œ Picture the resonance of your intuition, so resounding and distinct that you effortlessly follow its guidance.

๐Ÿ˜Œ Envision the sight of a daily routine that not only strengthens your inner self but also allows you to contribute more profoundly to the world around you.

This is for you if you fall under one of these categories:

  1. Are you on the path to recovery from a toxic relationship with food? Whether it's a constant calorie count, binge eating, or excessive exercising โ€“ you've explored every avenue. From juice diets to soup diets, keto attempts to a variety of workouts, yet you still feel unmotivated, dissatisfied, puzzled, and burdened with shame towards your body. The question persists: why does nothing seem to work?

  2. You're on a quest to find that one thing that will "make it all click." Automatically integrating any concept discussed in a podcast, promoted by your favorite influencer, or spotted on your TikTok feed has become second nature. However, you've realized that incorporating yet another element into your routine isn't yielding the expected results. It's time for some introspection: "Does this genuinely align with me, or am I just adding another component because I heard X talk about it?โ€

  3. You're uncertain about how to begin, and as a result, you never have. You criticize those who lead a healthy lifestyle, all the while harboring a hidden desire to understand how to cultivate such a way of living. However, when a vacation or event approaches, you push yourself into undertaking actions like extreme measures to lose weight, all to present a certain image.

  4. Genuine love for your body seems unattainable. Working out feels more like a penalty for enjoying weekend treats, and numerous hours each day are consumed by negative feelings about your body's appearance. Viewing photos of yourself brings discomfort, being on camera is undesirable, and the confidence to be seen by others is noticeably absent.

  5. Youโ€™ve become accustomed to thinking that living with low energy, persistent bloating, inadequate sleep, perpetual anxiety, and constant self-shaming about your appearance is the norm.


๐Ÿ–ค You're not meant to feel terrible every day, I assure you. Your natural state should be brimming with energy and enthusiasm for life! What you truly desire is to feel lighter in your body, at peace with your wellness perspective, and proud of your choices โ€“ not surrendering your power to food, anxiety, unfulfilling workouts, or societal expectations.

You havenโ€™t experienced what it truly feels like to thrive.

๐Ÿ™„ It's evident that past approaches haven't yielded the desired results, and that's okayโ€”it likely means you haven't been engaging in the practices that are genuinely right for you. We're here to change that.

๐Ÿ‘ You aspire to love your body rather than shame it. Prioritizing the mind-body connection is essential, as it profoundly influences overall well-being. Not only will you adore your physical appearance, but you'll also foster a genuine connection and appreciation for yourself.

๐Ÿคฉ What you get in this package:

  • 1 hr Human Design Chart reading with me where we breakdown your skills, gifts, and how to leverage your energy

    Ultra-Personalized And Built As A Perfect Fit For YOU.

    Human Design takes out all of the guesswork that every coach needs (itโ€™s like looking into your brain before I even meet you)

    The beauty of the science of Human Design is its ability to assess your current situation with unmatched accuracy, and then help you break through your barriers.

    Instead of contorting you to fit a success template that works for some other leader or guru, we pinpoint the exact strengths, weaknesses, and areas of growth that apply to you.

    Everyone has different blockages and doors to open based on their upbringings and mindsets. There is a unique science to your individuality, and Human Design allows me to efficiently and effectively guide you to build the โ€œyouโ€ that you know is in there waiting to be unleashed.

    You can read more about what the session entails HERE

  • 1.5 hour strategy session delving deeper into your Human Design Chart. Together, we'll not only develop a healthier routine, but also strengthen the bond between your mind and body, promoting overall well-being and self-love.

  • Youโ€™ll also receive an extensive set of tools and resources to help you integrate these wellness practices into your daily life.