Empower Package: The People Pleaser

 For the selfless "yes" person who is being called to to embark on a transformative journey of self-advocacy, introspection and uncovering your soul's purpose.

❀️ You prioritize others' happiness over your own, always putting their needs before yours.

What used to be comfortable for you involved consistently prioritizing others, saying "yes" to every request, and now you're feeling the impact. The energy you once had to fill others' cups before your own is dwindling.

πŸ¦‹ This marks a pivotal moment in your life, and you're sensing the call to turn inward, engage in introspection, and discern what brings you genuine happiness and fulfillment. What is your soul truly yearning for?

Whether you've attained a certain level of career success, you now find yourself with more personal time, are forging new relationships or navigating significant changes, you may feel adrift without a recalibration plan.

While you can't precisely identify what's missing, you're prepared to explore and uncover the deep desires of your soul.


πŸ’₯ Quick Assessment:

  • Are you able to listen and follow your intuition – or are you always looking outside of yourself for answers?

  • Do you know what you want and why - or are you stripped of any self-awareness?

  • Do you feel like you have a sense of control in your life, career and family – or are you in a prison of obligations?

  • Are you overthinking and replaying past events on repeat, or are you looking forward and building?

  • Are you attracting problematic people into your life – or do you have relationships that nourish and fulfill you?

  • Do you do things for yourself and set self-serving boundaries – or are you prone to be a people pleaser or doormat?

  • Do you get what you want because the universe provides – or are you always pushing to prove yourself and your worth?

  • Does your work give you purpose and pride, or are you over-giving, overworking, and facing burnout?

Remember, you can block the channel of communication to your soul, but never its presence or wisdom. Your genuine aspiration is to forge a deep connection with your authentic self, your desires, and the trajectory you're on. To begin this journey, it's essential to cultivate a strong sense of inner wisdom and gain a profound understanding of your own wants and needs.

🀩 What you get in this package:

  • 1 hr Human Design Chart reading with me where we breakdown your skills, gifts, and how to leverage your energy

    Ultra-Personalized And Built As A Perfect Fit For YOU.

    Human Design takes out all of the guesswork that every coach needs (it’s like looking into your brain before I even meet you)

    The beauty of the science of Human Design is its ability to assess your current situation with unmatched accuracy, and then help you break through your barriers.

    Instead of contorting you to fit a success template that works for some other leader or guru, we pinpoint the exact strengths, weaknesses, and areas of growth that apply to you.

    Everyone has different blockages and doors to open based on their upbringings and mindsets. There is a unique science to your individuality, and Human Design allows me to efficiently and effectively guide you to build the β€œyou” that you know is in there waiting to be unleashed.

    You can read more about what the session entails HERE

  • 1.5 hour strategy session delving into the intricacies of your Human Design Chart. Together, we'll undertake a voyage of self-exploration and understanding, with the goal of re-establishing your connection to your soul.

  • You’ll also receive a set of resources and tools designed to reignite a connection with your authentic self and aid in identifying your desires.